Nextmol (Bytelab Solutions SL) is a computational chemistry company dedicated to the development of advanced molecular modeling and artificial intelligence tools to accelerate R&D in the chemical industry. It is a spin-off company of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, the national supercomputing facility in Spain.
Since its creation in 2019, Nextmol has carried out R&D projects for several multinational companies, both in the form of services and via its software platform and has been granted numerous prestigious national and international grants and awards.
Our mission is to help the chemical industry in its green and digital transition, by enabling a faster development of sustainable chemicals to achieve circular economy and climate neutrality, comply with regulatory framework, and meet current consumer demands.

We provide the following services:
Nextmol is an R&D-intensive company, with a total of 40 years of research experience and more than 60 peer-reviewed publications in high-impact journals among its team members. Nextmol’s scientific activity focuses on the development of algorithms and tools for the design of better performing and more sustainable chemicals for different applications.